- "LISTEN HONEY-I'M NOT A SOCIAL DRINKER…IT'S MOSTLY WORK RELATED" NIGHTSHIRT IN A BAG®. We get it, work can be a lot. Why not sip a cocktail and relax in this comfy nightshirt. One Size Fits Most! 36" length & 48" bust/hips for US Sizes XS-1X. Contrast trim V-neck. Rolled in a matching drawstring bag great for travel and gifting.
Color: White
Composition: 100% CottonExpect a small % of shrink if washed in hot water and/or if put into a dryer.
Nightshirt comes in a matching cotton gift bag with drawstring.
Made in the USA.

women's pajamas with a touch of elegance and sophisticationLISTEN HONEY...NIGHTSHIRT IN A BAG